Message from the Principal/CEO
It is my pleasure to welcome you to GEMS Founders, Al Mizhar (GFM). As Principal, it is a pleasure, a privilege and my duty to ensure that all students receive an outstanding education. I am clear that GFM exists to provide our community with an education of the highest standard and I want every child, your son or daughter to live our vision of ‘empowering people to have the heart to celebrate uniqueness and the mind to be innovative, creative problem solvers that changes the world in which we live’. This is an expectation I have for all students and staff.
Our values are founded in TheGFMWay of helping each other to Grow, Flourish and an ethos of Mindfulness. Within this context, we are committed to preparing respectful, optimistic and inquisitive students for the rapidly changing demands of the twenty-first century. We understand that this requires an understanding of the society of which they are part. It requires a broad range of skills, academic and otherwise. But, most of all, it requires empathy and understanding.
Combining the heritage and tradition of GEMS Education with a forward-thinking school, I aim to prepare young people for happiness and success in their adult lives. I am proud to be Principal of this amazing school that has #TheGFMWay as its central priority, and we are very grateful to all who help us to make this happen.
So, if you are a parent looking for life-changing education experiences for your child, or a prospective staff member looking for an organisation which offers its staff fantastic opportunities to develop and learn from some exceptional practitioners, I would invite you to explore our website to find out more about GFM, #TheGFMWay, GEMS Education and our people. I will encourage you to book an appointment to visit GFM where I would be more than happy to meet with you. Please email [email protected].
Akram Tarik
Principal /CEO
GEMS Founders School, Al Mizhar