KHDA Report
GEMS Founders School Mizhar has been rated 'Good' in our 2023-24 Inspection!
The report highlights many key strengths of our school. Some areas that make
us very proud include:
• Consistently good and improving standards of achievement.
• The outstanding day-to-day school management providing a safe, and happy community.
• Students’ very strong personal and social development and their innovation skills.
• Excellent inclusive education practices and very strong care, guidance, and support, leading to very high levels of wellbeing across the community.
• Students’ achievement in Islamic Education is now judged as making ‘Good’ progress in all phases of the school.
• Students’ achievement in Arabic as a First Language is now judged as making ‘Good’ progress in Primary and Secondary phases of the school.
• Students’ achievement in English, mathematics and Science in Foundation Stage has moved from ‘Acceptable’ to ‘Good’ in the attainment judgment.
• Students’ achievement in English in Post-16 has moved from ‘Good’ to ‘Very Good’ in the progress judgment.
• Students’ achievement in mathematics in Primary has moved from ‘Good’ to ‘Very Good’ in the progress judgment.
• Students’ achievement in Science in Post-16 has moved from ‘Acceptable’ to ‘Good’ in the attainment and progress judgment.
• Students’ Personal development in Post-16 has moved from ‘Very Good’ to ‘Outstanding’ in all phases of the school.
• Students’ Social responsibility and innovation skills have moved from ‘Good’ to ‘Very Good’ in all phases of the school.
• In secondary and Post-16 our curriculum design and offer has moved from ‘Good’ to ‘Very Good’.
• Student Wellbeing and provision has been judged as ‘Very Good.
• GFM’s self-evaluation and improvement planning and Governance has moved from ‘Good’ to ‘Very Good