Primary School
At GEMS Founders Al Mizhar, we provide a purposeful curriculum which ignites curiosity and a passion for learning. The curriculum is rooted in the traditional English National Curriculum, enhanced with a key focus on innovation and skills for the future. This secures world class learners, well prepared for the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.Through implementing a purposeful approach to learning and a focus on student leadership, the belief is that our students will have the knowledge, skills and ambition to contribute positively to the world they live in. Pupil learning is underpinned by a broad and balanced curriculum which progressively builds on skills, knowledge and conceptual understanding year on year. In addition to this, High Performance Learning skills and attributes are embedded into lessons as a way of creating advanced learners.
The fully inclusive curriculum enables all students, including those with disabilities and additional needs, to access the learning and achieve. Learning areas to challenge and enhance skills secure accessibility for all.
When the children join us in the Foundation Stage the focus is on leading learning through play and this is at the heart of everything we do. Students start their early education with an engaging play-based approach to learning, which continues into KS1. The different environments, both indoors and outdoors, give students a chance to explore and discover as well as build independence and resilience in their own learning. All learning is delivered via exciting themes and hooks, based heavily on children’s literature. Both stories and information text is used as a starting point for the learning journey. Thereafter, students are given the opportunity to develop their own leadership skills through exploration and inquiry, in a safe engaging environment. Children lead their own learning, taking themes in a direction that engages them and builds their areas of interest; confidently showcasing their discoveries within our learning community.
As the children move into Key Stage One and Two the emphasis on books and literature to create learning themes continues. Within each theme, the subjects are taught mainly in a cross curricular style securing key skills are taught to meet British standards whilst incorporating fully the curriculum of the Ministry of Education. The curriculum is enhanced by theme days, trips, visits and special guests all combing together to secure a robust learning experience.
Personal and social development is fully embedded into the curriculum ensuring all students are supported to become assets within their community. There is provision for leadership experiences, such as ‘Heritage Heroes’ and children are encouraged to be part of our curriculum reviews to ensure their voice is heard.